Juno Books

Best New Paranormal Romance

[ Read a Story from the Anthology: Elizabeth Bear's "Follow Me Light" ]

Best New Paranormal

Fantasy Short Fiction Anthology
ISBN: 0-8095-5653-7
ISBN-13: 978-08095-5653-3
308 pages $12.95
Publication Date: November 15, 2006

Twelve tales of love and wonder...
Nymphs, starfighters, magical women, mystical men, ordinary mortals, and extraordinary beings populate stories that range from engagingly whimsical to profoundly moving. Highly imaginative short fiction and novellas from outstanding fantasy romance writers -- both bestselling authors and new talent.

Publishers Weekly Review:
Guran's pioneering "best of" anthology, the first in a projected series, offers twelve enthralling tales of romance that incorporate supernatural, fantasy or SF elements. A few of these "stories of love and wonder" end with a standard HEA (romance-speak for "happily ever after"), but all avoid clichE. Among the best are Catherine Asaro's "The Shadowed Heart," about a battle-fatigued starfighter pilot; Elizabeth Hand's "Calypso in Berlin," a siren tale about the obsession an immortal nymph-artist feels for her human muse; Claudia O'Keefe's "A Maze of Trees," an eloquent testament to loneliness and sacrifice in an endangered forest; and Delia Sherman's "Walpurgis Afternoon," a whimsical gem concerning a mysterious Victorian home belonging to two witches that appears literally overnight in a middle-class suburb. Other contributors include Jane Yolen, Sandra MacDonald and Elizabeth Bear. In an illuminating introduction, Guran discusses the recent rise of the paranormal romance genre and the attempts to define what it is and isn't."aPublishers Weekly, starred.


[Where possible, the author's name is linked to more information.]

"The Shadowed Heart" by Catherine Asaro
"Follow Me Light" by Elizabeth Bear
"Magic in a Certain Slant of Light" by Deborah Coates
"The Hard Stuff" by John Grant
"Calypso in Berlin" by Elizabeth Hand
"Fir Na Tine" by Sandra McDonald
"A Maze of Trees" by Claudia O'Keefe
"A Treatise on Fewmets" by Sarah Prineas
"Single White Farmhouse" by Heather Shaw
"Walpurgis Afternoon" by Delia Sherman
"A Knot of Toads" by Jane Yolen
"A Hero's Welcome" by Rebecca York

About the editor

Paula Guran is the editor of fantasy imprint Juno Books.

[Photo by John Everson.]
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