"Earth's eldest god, resurgent, makes war on humankind
and a mayan wizardess awakens a woman and a man to passion and to combat. Lynn
Cesar's writing is wild witchery!" - World Fantasy Award-winning Author Michael
Dark Fantasy
ISBN: 9780809572045
304 pages, $6.99
Publication Date: January 2007
An exciting dark debut from Lynn Cesar
Deep in ancient Darkness where seed and spore and root and sleepless worm
commingle -- Xibalba awaits. To the ancient god, human life has become a disease
destroying the earth and the now-demonic Xibalba is coming to feed on the good
and the evil alike, to scour humankind from the face of the earth...
Returning to the family homestead after her father's suicide, Karen Fox
finds herself haunted by her past and bound by rage and guilt to a place she
despises. Her lover, Susan, shows up help Karen confront her past, but she,
too, is overwhelmed by malevolent powers that have seeded the earth with evil.
Only Karen, ex-con Kyle, an ancient Guatemalan bruja named Quetzal, and an army
of ghosts Quetzal commands stand between Xibalba and the annihilation of us all.